Integrate activity and movement into the daily routine
for all students, teachers and staff.

CCUSD is moving to a more integrated learning progression where learning sports begins in elementary school instead of middle school. A developing strength is having the physical education and coaching staff available to give students the opportunity to play sports, whether on an intramural or competitive team. In sixth grade, there is a “no-cut” philosophy to encourage maximum participation; and the PE program becomes more robust as students move into grades seventh and eighth. In high school, the new weight room gives students who are not on athletic teams the opportunities to become more active. It gives teachers better access to teach students. The vision is giving all students multiple “onramps,” including fitness and sports, where it’s possible to join activities and extracurriculars throughout their education at different times.
Implementing fitness on a large scale is key, so activities cannot be limited to a single area of the school. For example, the Multi-Purpose building supports fitness indoors during inclement weather at the elementary level. At the middle and high school levels, make Fitness rooms available during lunch and encourage use by teachers. Consider placing treadmills, stationary bikes and other fitness nudges within open collaboration and outdoor learning areas to ensure access to more people throughout the day. Updating all facilities, from fitness and PE to sports programs, is important.
The Why
Fitness facilities are critical both for nudging students into lifelong habits and nurturing their interests in sports. Starting in elementary school, students “play” fun activities while learning the basics of many sports. Gradually— teamwork, sportsmanship, sharing, being kind to others, creating friendships, movement and fitness develop into habits. Teaching sports in elementary school, instead of waiting until middle school, supports a more integrated learning progression. At the same time, there are several programs where students with special needs participate alongside mainstream students. These students get to play varsity competitive sports while having a fun learning experience with other students. This approach supports CCUSD’s vision for inclusivity and differentiated learning by removing barriers and providing students with as many pathways as possible.
Fitness Activities
A centralized fitness space supports a variety of physical fitness opportunities and specific athletic sport requirements.
Simultaneous Use
Support multiple active programs to occur simultaneously within the programmatic space.
Activities include individual and small group active learning, health education, fitness programs, etc.
Large Assembly
At the Middle School, support large assembly for (at least half) of the student body. Large group presentations will occur both outside of school hours and during the school day. Includes special events and exhibitions.
Key Concepts


Athletic Events
Right-size the Fitness Center to support approximately (50%) of the total student population, providing acoustics, sound and projection systems to support events of this size. Retractable bleachers and robust PE and athletic storage.
Interior Experience
Provide interior finish designs/patterns that encourage motion and movement. Furnish spaces with physically interactive elements. Optimize scale, look and feel, and sightlines to make fitness areas both inclusive and universally accessible.
To support learning activities, provide furniture, power and WiFi and displays where necessary.
Dispersed Fitness
Active furniture, treadmill desks, wobble chairs, and standing height surfaces encourage movement and brain health. Measurement markers along circulation pathways encourage mindfulness.