Guiding Principles
The Five Master Plan Guiding Principles are a result of the collaborative efforts of the Core Planning Group. These guiding principles reflect CCUSD’s vision for the future of education and their mission. The campus master plans, combined with the Ed Specs, translate the guiding principles into future facility and site design concepts to achieve District-wide parity as well as provide ongoing design direction for educational, architectural, and community decisions.
Building safe environments that engage the educational community to create meaningful connections and celebrate, understand, and respect the multi-dimensionality of each other.
At CCUSD we know our students. We meet their individualized needs and advocate on their behalf. CCUSD’s District policies and instructional practices ensure that every student has access and opportunity to thrive within and beyond their school environment.
Student Centered Accountability
CCUSD’s environments empower educators and learners to embrace the growth mindset by exposing them to differentiated learning in universal design environments. Through malleable spaces, our campuses will support educators in the endeavor of nurturing the whole child for academic, social emotional, and behavioral success beyond school and throughout life.
CCUSD partners with internal stakeholders (students, faculty, staff and parents) and external stakeholders (businesses, agencies, and the community) to create a collaborative environment filled with respect and openness, to successfully support innovation, equity, inclusivity and accountability.
CCUSD supports innovative thinking with creative spaces that are centers for learning and community. We inspire innovation starting from Pre-K with a variety of purposeful spaces that support project-based learning interwoven through the fabric of all our campuses. Our programs provide the space and time needed for innovative thinking, and real-life experiences with feedback from community partners.